
Since we develop solutions for both telecommunications enterprises (obligated to provide data) and security organizations (authorized to request data) under the same roof here at DIaLOGIKa, our customers benefit from important synergistic effects.

InfBrok90 & InfPort43

InfPort43 can serve as a data supplier of subscriber data for InfBrok90 and InfBrok100. The data are automatically synchronized.

InfBrok100 & InfBrok90

When there are manual requests for database information, or warrants for telecommunications interception and traffic data, InfBrok100 can access the table in InfBrok90 to automatically determine the subscriber to a connection. The InfBrok90 tables can also be expanded to include additional subscriber data and filled by the same data deliveries.

InfBrok100 as a testing system for InfReq100

InfReq100 can be used as a testing system for InfBrok100 customers, to generate requests and analyze their results.


Our customers from both the telecommunications industry and the security community place a high value on discretion. So unfortunately we cannot present any case studies or examples here, but we can ensure this: we are privileged to have all the well-known actors as customers. We’d be happy to give you information personally – just let us know!

You have questions?

Your Contact Partners

Anne Dierstein, Rainer Kirchhoff

Heads of Unit Telecommunications

+49 6897 935-0

+49 6897 935-100

More of our solutions:

InfReq100 InfBrok90 InfBrok100 InfPort43


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About us

DIaLOGIKa GmbH creates customized software solutions for national and international clients. Our work focuses on the innovation fields of Telecom Data Request / Provision Procedure, Telecommunications, Document Life Cycle, Digital Security, Embedded Systems, Green Mobility, and Safeguards.

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Pascalschacht 1,
66125 Saarbrücken, DE

+49 6897 935-0+49 6897 935-100